Dave Clark is #DefiantlyTacoma

Dave Clark is #DefiantlyTacoma
Flounders B-Team Productions & Channel 253

To celebrate the kickoff of @FloundersBTeam’s fourth season(!) we invited Dave Clark from the Tacoma Defiance (and Sounder at Heart fame). We talk a little bit about his history, how he got his dream job here in Tacoma, what it took to build the premier media outlet @SounderAtHeart on SB Nation.

What’s in store for the Defiance this year? Will we get all the hardware? Why is everyone worried about CCL? What is the proper order of beer taps at your local sports bar?

Then we close out with a rundown of our favorite Tacoma cultural spots… All this and more on the Flounders B-Team!

Stay tuned this year, we’ve got a lot coming—including a new partnership with an up and coming new media outlet…

Special thanks to our friends at TAPCO, Tacoma’s first credit union!

Regular featured cast:

@muffintopmodel Tim Hamilton

@podfish Steve Ketelsen

@AHammTNT Andrew Hammond

@nate_bowling Nathan Bowling (emeritus & occasional)

@cm_peterson Cat Peterson (hiatus)

Please tell your friends and SUBSCRIBE! on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or touch the RSS feed link below to add us to your favorite podcast app.

This production of the Flounders B-Team is released under the Creative Commons 3.0 International Share-Alike Attribution License. Please use our stuff! Just tell folks where you got it!

Opening/closing theme is a parody of the opening theme from the A-Team (c)1984 Silva America.

Check out Channel 253’s other amazing podcasts at https://channel253.com and BECOME A MEMBER for only $4/month to get access to special member benefits & events! (Support local new media.)

Thanks for listening, and see you in the terraces!

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