Floating Down the Willamette

Cat, Steve, Tim, and Kevin jump in to provide pre-match, halftime, and post-match coverage live to tape! (Congratulations, Belgium.) Seattle faces Portscum in enemy territory. The match was a doozy, but limited disciplinary calls from Chris Penso made for a very chippy match. Portland came to play, but, true to form, their idiotic tifo definitely cursed Joey's chainsaw.

Own-goal victory aside, we have some questions, and we try to answer them. We also have a lot of fun along the way, in true FBT style.

Special thanks to Doyle's Public House for hosting our upcoming bus tour. Doyle's is hands down the best soccer bar in Washington. Check 'em out on St. Helens in Tacoma for all your soccer watching needs. If you're a fan of any team, they'll get it on the TV for you one way or another.

Regular featured family:

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This production of the Flounders B-Team is released under the Creative Commons 3.0 International Share-Alike Attribution License. Please use our stuff! Just tell folks where you got it!

New Rock (Extended Background Mix) by Steve Combs is licensed under an Attribution License.

Float by Apex Realm is licensed under a Attribution-NoDerivatives 3.0 International License.

Apologies to ABC, owner of the parodied opening theme from the A-Team.

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