I mean, c'mon, right?
Special guest Tashi Langton @fosssoccer joins Cat, Tim, Steve, and Kevin for a raucous walk through the Portland match, some World Cup shenanigans, a minor studio disaster, and TACTICS. come join the summer fun! We also discuss the problems that Ruidiaz solves, some of our roster choices over the season, and where we might finish this year. It's not as bleak as it looks -- the spread between the good teams and the bad teams in the West is very palpable.
Also, youth soccer in the US is WAY too damned expensive and limits our ability to pipe diverse, quality players to men's and women's national clubs. So Sayeth Hope Solo, and So Say We All.
Thanks for tuning in! This show is hosted by:
- @muffintopmodel Tim Hamilton
- @podfish Steve Ketelsen
Regular featured family:
- @cm_peterson Cat Peterson
- @kevin_zamira Kevin Zamira
- @nate_bowling Nathan Bowling
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This production of the Flounders B-Team is released under the Creative Commons 3.0 International Share-Alike Attribution License. Please use our stuff! Just tell folks where you got it!
Cover photo derived from original by Tristan Rocha (no copyright asserted) and used by permission.
Apologies to ABC owner of the original music parodied in our opening theme from the A-Team.